Delicious Russian Salad Recipe: A Culinary Journey to Russia

    What is Russian salad?

  • A velvety vegetable serving of mixed greens is known as a Russian serving. Boiling the vegetables with a creamy mayonnaise dressing is done. It typically consists of boiled potatoes, carrots, and peas prior to being coated in a mayonnaise sauce and tossed with cornichons. Typically, destroyed chicken was also included in the recipe. However, there are many different kinds, and you can actually add celery, escapades, or whole cooked eggs based on your preferences.
  • I first tasted this antipasto when I moved to Piedmont. At the lovely organic winery known as Cascina Iuli, there was a massive dinner party to honor the owner, Fabrizio, on my very first night there. Beautiful platters of food, including this salad, were set out on long tables in the courtyard. Since I lived in Piedmont, I’ve seen this popular dish a lot, and I really like it when it’s done right.


    Where exactly does Russian salad originate?

  • While working at a stunning agriturismo called Fattoria di Statiano in Tuscany, I was first introduced to Russian salad. The two Russian women who were working there with me started talking to us about Russian salad one night. Since they had never heard of it before, they were baffled as to why it was referred to as Russian salad. We later discovered that the French name Olivier salad is used in Russia, adding to the confusion!
  • The dish probably got its start in Russia in the 1880s, when Belgian chef Lucien Olivier made it for the first time. At the time, Olivier was the chef at the Saint Petersburg restaurant Hermitage. He made the dish with ham, anchovies, crayfish, and even truffles!
  • Another story says that Catherine de Medici’s Italian chef brought the recipe with them to France. The dish is said to have been created by her chef Ambroise by combining elements of French and Italian cuisine.
  • The story about my region, Piedmont, might be my favorite. When Tsar Alexander III visited the royal family in Turin in 1800, the dish was served to him.
  • Insalata russa gained popularity in Italy and other European nations by the early 1900s and continues to do so today.

    How to Serve Russian Salad

  • During the antipasto course, Russian salad is a traditional dish. It’s a great plate to bring to a dinner party with other classic Piemontese dishes like tomini cheese, carne cruda, grissini, and lingua al verde (tongue in green salsa), which are all great with it.

    How to make Russian salad

      Russian plate of mixed greens fixings

      1.100 grams of peas, potatoes, and diced carrots.

      2.50g diced cornichons.

      3.100 grams diced cooked shrimp (prawns).

      4.Two boiled eggs, which Massimo insists were cooked for nine minutes in boiling water!

      5.Handful of capers for decoration.

      Ingredients for Russian Salad Dressing

      1.1 egg cold.

      2.210-230 ml of sunflower oil.

      3.2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

      4.1-2 tbsps plain yogurt.

      5.Add a pinch of paprika or curry powder if you like it spicy.


      1.Make a large pot of salted water boil. Add the carrots to the boiling water and cook for 7                   minutes, or until they are cooked but still have some crunch.

      2.Add the potatoes to the water after 2 minutes and cook for about 5 minutes. Once more, you          want the potatoes to keep their crunch.

      3.Add the peas in the last minute of cooking because they will cook quickly. Drain all of the                 cooked vegetables and allow them to cool.

      4.In a mixing bowl, combine the cornichons and cooled vegetables. Salt and extra virgin olive            oil  make a dressing.

      5.Mix in some cooked (and cooled) prawns.

  • You can incorporate store-bought mayonnaise into your salad if you run out of time. However, Massimo assures me that homemade mayonnaise is the best option for a truly outstanding insalata russa. Peruse on for the recipe!

      6. Break one virus egg into your blending bowl and utilizing an inundation blender begin to               whisk it. Gradually in the middle somewhere in the range of 210 and 230mls of cold sunflower           seed oil and your apple juice vinegar. As your mayonnaise comes together, the blender should           start to slowly rise up. You can flavor it with curry powder or paprika by adding a pinch of plain         yoghurt to a few tablespoons.

       7. Finally, pour the mayonnaise into a serving dish and stir it into the boiled vegetables.                       Massimo likes to add capers, boiled egg slices, and piped mayonnaise to his for extra flair.

       Livguine Top Tips

       1.Utilize cold fixings while making your mayonnaise. Before beginning the assembly, place                  everything in the refrigerator for a few hours or even overnight. The utilization of cold fixings            will assist with preventing your mayonnaise from parting.

       2.Don’t worry if your mayonnaise splits! To bring it back together, you can add some hot                     vinegar by the tablespoonful. In the kitchen, there is always a trick or a solution, as Massimo             says!

       3.If you prefer to stick to a traditional recipe, omit the prawns and use shredded chicken                      instead.

       4.Vegetables should never be overcooked! A soggy bowl of limp vegetables in a bowl of store-              bought mayonnaise is not what you want.


  • Overcooking vegetables is never a good idea! You don’t want to eat limp vegetables in a soggy bowl of store-bought mayonnaise.

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