NASA Refines National Space Technology Development

  • The Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) of NASA is shifting how it prioritizes technology development as it focuses on exploring the Moon, Mars, and the solar system for humanity’s benefit. NASA is asking the aerospace industry in the United States for feedback on nearly 190 national space technology needs, or shortfalls, it has identified for future space exploration and science endeavors as part of this refinement effort.


  • . “ Dr. Kurt Vogel, associate administrator for Space Technology at NASA Headquarters in Washington, stated, “STMD is positioned – as the nation’s tech base for civil space – to innovate and advance solutions for those problems.” Our ambitious future missions pose many unique challenges. STMD is working on a lot of important technologies, but moving to a more open and collaborative approach lets us prioritize our efforts better, meet the needs of key stakeholders, and make sure that we all get the most out of our investments.
  • Before beginning future missions to Mars and the Moon, NASA wants to hear from the entire aerospace community about critical technology shortcomings like in-situ resource utilization, cryogenic fluid management, and additive manufacturing. STMD is able to appropriately direct the resources that are available to best support NASA’s and the nation’s mission needs by comprehending and prioritizing the efforts that have the greatest impact.
  • NASA’s most important technology stakeholders, which include companies, universities, and other government agencies in the United States, will meet virtually over the next month, give feedback, and give the agency their shortfall priorities. NASA intends to make the final list available to stakeholders and the general public after processing the data and assembling it in order of priority.
  • When the deficits are focused on, NASA will consider its continuous innovation improvement endeavors in contrast to those needs to distinguish any expected changes inside its ongoing portfolio. NASA anticipates that the shortfall prioritization will identify new STMD or partnership-based investments. Additionally, this effort may provide future opportunities to expand new commercial markets and support the expanding space economy in the United States.
  • In order to reevaluate its investments, NASA intends to hold workshops annually, solicit feedback from the community, and ensure that stakeholders and end users are effectively engaged. To ensure that the procedure continues to be beneficial to all parties involved, the organization will continue to improve it.
  • Vogel stated, “Our prioritization process must be rigorous, thorough, and consistent year after year.” We want to be open and honest, build trust, and offer STMD and our stakeholders a useful tool to help the civil space community’s investment strategies.
  • In an effort to improve its missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) is changing how it approaches technology development. Nearly 190 national space technology requirements have been identified by the agency, and the American aerospace industry is being asked to help prioritize these requirements for future projects.
  • nasa
    “The shift toward a more collaborative process to address the challenges posed by future missions was emphasized by Dr. Kurt Vogel, associate administrator for Space Technology at NASA Headquarters.” “This open approach helps us better prioritize and align with stakeholder needs, ensuring efficient investment,” he explained. STMD is developing numerous key technologies.
  • In-situ resource utilization, cryogenic fluid management, and additive manufacturing are just a few of the crucial technology gaps that need to be addressed. This feedback will effectively support mission requirements and direct NASA’s resource allocation.
  • Through virtual meetings and surveys, stakeholders from the government, academia, and industry of the United States will contribute in the coming month. The data will then be compiled and prioritized by NASA, who plans to make the findings available to stakeholders and the general public.
  • NASA’s technology development efforts will be influenced by this prioritization to align with identified priorities. Additionally, it is anticipated that the procedure will support the expansion of the U.S. space economy and provide new commercial opportunities.

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