Exploring the World of Vegetable Curry A Delicious Recipe


Curry can take on many structures relying upon which region of the planet you’re in, however it’s essential to take note of that this convenient solution recipe isn’t in no manner a customary vegetable curry. It’s a straightforward blend of vegetables, a coconut-based stock, and locally acquired curry powder. This is the kind of comfort food that you can make in a school residence, RV, lodging, or any time or spot that your cooking assets are restricted. It’s quick, advantageous, and fulfilling, yet that’s it. A genuine vegetable curry has new aromatics, flavors that are blossomed in oil, and a few different layers of flavor.

On the off chance that you’re keen on attempting a legitimate vegetable curry recipe, Tea for Two has a fantastic gather together of Indian and Pakistani Curry Recipes, as well as additional data on the various kinds of curries from that area. Or on the other hand, in the event that you’re searching for a Thai Vegetable Curry, look at this Vegetarian Red Curry from Hot Thai Kitchen.


I utilized a mild yellow curry powder for this recipe, however you could likewise utilize hot curry powder in the event that you like things hot. Curry powder can differ from one brand to another, so it means quite a bit to trial and find one that you like. A few brands that I’ve delighted in the past are Sharwood’s, Spice Island, and Simply Organic. However, assuming you have an Indian market in your metro region, that will be your smartest option. Their spice determination is probably going to be the freshest and generally reasonable. If you have any desire to take a stab at making your own curry preparing, look at this recipe for homemade curry powder from Spice it Upp.

WHAT ELSE Could I at any point ADD?

My hold back nothing was to make it as straightforward as could be expected, however in the event that you have a portion of these fixings, they’d likewise be extraordinary tossed in with the general mish-mash:

  • Chickpeas
  • Cubed tofu
  • Spinach
  • Cashews
  • Green onion
  • Yam (stew until delicate)
  • Cauliflower
  • Shrimp
  • Cilantro


  • 24 oz. frozen blended vegetables
  • 1 13.5oz. could coconut at any point milk
  • 1 Tbsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp dried ground ginger
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Add the frozen vegetables and stock to a soup pot (it’s OK on the off chance that the stock doesn’t completely cover the vegetables). Put a cover on top and turn the intensity on to high. Heat the stock up to the point of boiling.
  • Give the vegetables a decent mix, turn the intensity down to low, then, at that point, add the coconut milk, curry powder, and ginger. Mix to join, then, at that point, let stew for only a couple of additional minutes.
  • Taste the stock and add salt and pepper as you would prefer
  • Serve hot with bread or rice.


  • You can use any type of frozen mixed vegetables, but I find that stir fry style mixes tend to work best.

The most effective method to SERVE Speedy VEGETABLE CURRY

This recipe is somewhat of a soup, so you’ll likely believe some kind of bread or starch should absorb all that heavenly coconut stock. I like serving a scoop of rice on top, however you could likewise do some naan or your number one flatbread for dipping.



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