Exploring A Delicious Recipe for Khermix

Kheer Recipe

The Indian rendition of a sweet pudding is what we allude to as Kheer. It is fundamentally a milk-based dessert, which has different fixings, sugar and flavorings added to it. The most exemplary form of this sweet is the rich Rice Kheer, where you slow-cook rice grains, entire milk and sugar flawlessly. Expansion of saffron, nuts, cardamom, and so forth is very abstract with regards to this ordinary Kheer Recipe. This specific rich variant is my family’s legacy recipe which you will cherish for its scrumptiousness.

What is Kheer

The make of the Indian sweet dish (dessert) Kheer typically comprises of grains, lentils or their flours. Once in a while even foods grown from the ground.

It looks like a pudding, and customarily made with milk, sugar and a few dry natural products. The decision flavorings incorporate specific flavors like saffron, cardamom, nutmeg, and so on and others like rose water, kewra water, and so forth. You might utilize vanilla or other extravagant fixings to season a portion of the current arrangements.

Indian cooking has numerous varieties of a Kheer Recipe. All in all, you should be considering what precisely is a Rice Kheer? It is essentially the Indian variation of the rice pudding. The primary fixings in it are basmati rice, entire milk, sugar, ground flavors and nuts.

In some cases, local variants like the Bengali Payesh use nolen gur (date palm jaggery) instead of sugar as a sugar. This outcomes in a kheer which is generally light brown or beige in variety.

Alongside Seviyan Kheer (vermicelli pudding) and Phirni (thick rice pudding), the Rice Kheer is likewise one of the most well known Kheer varieties of North Indian food specifically.


More On The Recipe

This Kheer Recipe is an exceptional from my mother by marriage’s recipe book. Till today, she makes the wonderful Rice Kheer for any strict or bubbly event. I’m happy I had an opportunity to gain the know-hows of making it from her.

Very much like other Kheer assortments, Rice Kheer is additionally very simple to make, by sluggish cooking the fixings together in one container or pot. The explanation, I at times allude to this Kheer Recipe as the one-pot rice pudding.

You simply need to watch out for it, while it is stewing and continue to mix at spans. It truly doesn’t request a lot cooking abilities.

Kheer, known as payasam, is likewise significant in South Indian cooking. It is feasible to make Rice Payasam or Paal Payasam as it is privately known, with one or the other milk or coconut milk. The sugars can be sugar or jaggery.

As a rule at home, we make this Rice Kheer in somewhat bigger amount. Yet, I have downsized the recipe which will yield around 4 to 5 little servings of this wanton Kheer.

This very delectable Kheer recipe is an ideal fit for happy events like Diwali, and so on. You can likewise serve it as a sweet after your lunch or supper dinners.

Instructions to make Rice Kheer

The following is the nitty gritty bit by bit guide that will assist you with making Kheer without any problem.


Preparation1. Flush ¼ cup basmati rice multiple times in new water and afterward absorb sufficient water for 15 to 20 minutes.

2. While the rice grains are dousing, take 1-liter full-fat milk in a weighty wide container or pan or kadai.

3. Keep the container on low to medium-low intensity. Mix at stretches with the goal that the milk doesn’t consume at the lower part of the skillet.

4. Allow the milk to reach boiling point.

5. Take 1 tablespoon milk from the skillet in a little bowl. Allow the milk to turn out to be warm. Then, add a couple of saffron strands to the milk. Keep to the side.

Cook Rice

6. After the milk starts to bubble, channel all the water from the rice and add it to the bubbling milk.

7. Mix very well with a spoon.

8. Stew and cook the rice on low intensity. Don’t bother covering the dish when the rice is cooking.9. Cook the rice grains till they are half finished or half-done.9. Cook the rice grains till they are half finished or half-done.

9. Cook the rice grains till they are half finished or half-done.

10. Then, add 5 to 6 tablespoons sugar or as required. You can add crude sugar or white sugar. I by and large utilize raw crude sugar.

11. Mix the sugar in the milk.

12. Keep on cooking rice on low to medium-low intensity. Mix at spans.
13. Stew till the rice grains are practically cooked.

Flavor Rice Kheer

14. Then add ½ teaspoon green cardamom powder.

15. Add 1 tablespoon every one of cut almonds, slashed cashews and cut pistachios. You can whiten the almonds, assuming you like or simply cut them crude.

You can incorporate different nuts as indicated by your inclinations.

16. Mix well.

17. Then, add the prepared saffron milk.

18. Again blend and keep on cooking on low intensity till the Rice Kheer thickens and the rice grains have totally cooked.

19. Switch off the intensity when the rice grains mellow totally. The Kheer will likewise thicken. Scratch milk solids from the sides of the dish and add to the Kheer.

Make a note that on cooling, Rice Kheer thickens more.

20. Ultimately, add 1 tablespoon brilliant raisins. At this step, you can add 1 tablespoon rose water or kewra water (pandanus water).

21. Pour the Rice Kheer in individual serving bowls, and serve hot, warm or chilled. Refrigerate extra Rice Kheer and consume inside 1 to 2 days. You can eat it cold, or warm it until warm.

On the off chance that the Kheer has become extremely thick, add a sprinkle of milk and warm.


  • Rice: For an astonishing smell, ideally use basmati rice. On the off chance that you don’t have it at home, utilize some other fragrant rice, long-grained rice or standard rice assortment.
  • Milk: Utilize full-fat milk or entire milk to get a smooth and rich consistency. However you can make kheer with low-fat or conditioned milk as well, yet the consistency will be less velvety.
  • Sugars: You can involve either crude sugar or white sugar as a sugar. You can likewise utilize jaggery. However, add jaggery solely after Kheer is finished. Whenever it is made, keep it on the kitchen counter for 4 to 5 minutes, till the intensity decreases a little. Then, at that point, add jaggery. In the case of utilizing earthy colored sugar, additionally follow the very strategy as that for jaggery.
  • Almonds: You can whiten almonds in a microwave too. Take almonds in a microwave safe bowl and cover with water. Microwave at HIGH for 2 to 3 minutes. You could skip whitening of the almonds, assuming you wish.
  • Nuts: Change the amount of dry organic products, nuts and sugar, according to your likings. You can likewise add 1 tablespoon rose water or kewra water (pandanus water) to the Rice Kheer.
  • Capacity: Refrigerate extra Kheer and consume inside 1 to 2 days. Warm till warm prior to serving or serve chilled. On the off chance that it has turned extremely thick, add some milk and warm.



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