A Delightful Delicacy Mastering the Macaroni Recipe


Macaroni Pasta is an Indian combination feast made by treating veggies with zest powders lastly sauteed with cooked macaroni and prepared with flavors. Macaroni Pasta Recipe is given here bit by bit pictures and vide

Macaroni Pasta is an Indo-Italian combination dish ideal for get together and parties as an extra dish in a terrific menu. Macaroni Pasta is a variety of taste which is a should attempt at home.


Macaroni Pasta is an Indian style pasta loaded with masala flavors. Macaroni is an assortment of pasta utilized for some dishes. Anyway you can substitue this recipe with other pasta assortments like penne, fussili, rigatoni and so forth. It is utilized to make pasta, kheer, mixed greens and so forth.

Macaroni is a dry pasta assortment which is more similar to a bended cylinder. The bended cylinder assortment is elbow macaroni pasta which I have utilized here and the other assortment is a limited cylinder. However, the most well-known assortment that anyone could hope to find here is the elbow macaroni.

I generally love to remember Indian flavors for pasta and this Indian style Macaroni Pasta is one of my family top choices. It is a fundamental onion tomato based curry made and mixed with cooked pasta. This recipe is medium zesty thus appropriate for youngsters as well.

I have not utilized cheddar or cream to make it velvety and rich however assuming that you wish you can add it, sympathetically check my varieties area for it. I have utilized recently our essential Indian flavors like red stew powder and garam masala powder alongside blended spices.

I utilized my dutch stove to make this pasta. You can utilize any weighty base skillet to make this pasta. This is a straightforward macaroni pasta recipe anyway you can make macaroni pasta Italian style as well. Macaroni pasta sauce can be arranged well ahead then blended in with pasta at the hour of serving, this way it helps in social gathering and gatherings.


Macaroni Pasta – Macaroni Pasta assortment is liked for this recipe anyway you can involve any pasta for this dish which incorporates penne, fussili and so on.
Vegetables – I have utilized onion, tomato, capsicum and carrots. Moreover you can add mushrooms, cooked corn, child corn or some other veggies of your decision.
Flavors and Spices – Indian zest powders like red bean stew powder, garam masala powders are utilized. Moreover blended spices and coriander leaves are utilized.


  • As a matter of some importance, cook pasta impeccably. It shouldn’t become soft as I prescribe pasta to be cooked delicate for most recipes to stay away from processing issues. You can cook till still somewhat firm as well.
  • Adding pasta cooked water helps in keeping away from pasta from becoming dry.
  • Add more beautiful vegetables to make Macaroni Pasta more bright and delicious.
  • You really want no extra embellishment if the mixed masala curry is delicious. I don’t add cheddar for topping regardless the children love it a ton.
  • You might add a spot of curry masala powder for additional character. Assuming you have maggi masala powder you can add that as well.
  • This Macaroni Pasta ought to be clammy and delicious and not dry so change the consistency in like manner.


1.Bring 4 cups water to bubble in a huge pot. Prepare with any remaining fixings.

2.When water begins to bubble add 1 teaspoon oil alongside salt. Allow it to bubble.

3.Add 1 loaded cup macaroni pasta variety.

4.Give a fast mix.

5.Cook until fork delicate. It might take 5-6 mins relying on the pasta variety and size. Save 1/2 cup pasta cooked water for sometime in the future.

6.Drain water and Put away.

7.Rinse it with cold water to forestall further cooking.

8.Heat oil in a dish – add 1 teaspoon garlic, 1/2 teaspoon ginger hacked finely. Saute briefly until brilliant.

9.Then add 1/2 cup onion finely hacked alongside salt.

10.Saute till transparent and golden.

11.Add 1 cup tomatoes(2 medium measured), 1/4 cup capsicum, 2 tablespoon carrots finely cleaved.

12.Saute till tomatoes turn soft and crude smell leaves.

13.Cook covered for not many mins or until the veggies turn somewhat delicate.7

14.Add 1 teaspoon red stew powder, 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder and 1 teaspoon mixed spices.

15.Give a speedy saute.

16.Add 1 tablespoon pureed tomatoes alongside 1/2 cup pasta cooked water.

17.Give a quick mix and let the sauce boil for a minute.

18.Finally add cooked pasta.

19.Toss well until the masalas are all around covered.

20.Add 1 teaspoon slashed coriander leaves. The pasta ought not be dry.

21.Give a fast mix and switch off.

Hot Macaroni Pasta prepared!

Master TIPS

  • Continuously save pasta cooked water and add it to the curry prior to adding pasta. THis aides in thickening the sauce and likewise evades pasta from drying.
  • In the event that the pasta isn’t cooked delicate then it won’t assimilate the masalas completely so make a point to impeccably cook pasta.
  • Ensure the flavors are more as it will consummate in the wake of adding and mixing the pasta.
  • You can add 2 tablespoon cheddar for decorate. You can either utilize Parmesan cheddar or cheddar.
  • Add 3 tablespoon mayonnaise to the sauce to make it more smooth.

How to serve pasta

  • Serve it as such hot or serve it alongside a toast of bread.
  • I would prescribe to consume it new. Incase you need to store, make the sauce seperately store in cooler then, at that point, mix it with pasta while serving.


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